Geometric Line Art Tutorial Adobe Illustrator Infographie

By Tania Melissa
last updated February 10, 2025
Contributions sourced from
Cannot create geometric stripe line art!
In addition,
The initial rectangle seems to have NO stroke, just a fill
Zoom in
Use the selection Tool, select the rectangle and
holding the mouse down, both the shift key (to constrain the movement to level)
and Alt key to make a copy
Drag right until the smart guides show intersect
release, you have 2 side by side
Then to easily repeat
use the command Object > Transform > Transform Again
or keyboard shortcut Crtl +D
Keep it simple at first, eg make 3 and give the middle one say a white fill and no stroke
Drag into the brush panel
Make an Art Brush
Click Ok
Draw a circle
Give it just a Stroke ie the new brush
The circle only has 4 anchor points, to get 8, to easily make a quarter circle-
select the circle and Object > Path > Add Anchor points
maybe copy the circle
Use the direct selection tool (white arrow) to select and next delete anchor points to make the 3/4 circle etc
whoa there, pardner!
whoa there, pardner!
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How To Create a Geometric Pattern in Adobe Illustrator
Abstract geometric patterns are one of my favourite things to create in Adobe Illustrator. Theres an infinite number of results that can be achieved by simply changing up the parameters, shapes or colours used each time. In todays tutorial Ill show you a series of techniques you can use to make your own vector geometric pattern. Follow the step by step guide exactly to replicate my design, or remix your own custom pattern artwork by using these techniques as a foundation for your experiments.
The artwork well be producing in this tutorial is a crisp vector pattern made of geometric shapes, finished with a simple colour scheme. This pattern repeats infinitely, and since its made of vector graphics, it can also be scaled to any size too. This makes it an extremely versatile asset for your design projects. Patterns like this can provide a great looking background for a design, or even form an integral part of a brand identity.
Open up Adobe Illustrator and create a new document. Im using a standard A4 layout with pixel units. Go to the View menu and make sure you have Smart Guides enabled. They will make it easy to snap and align objects later.
Click the None icon in the toolbar to clear out the default white fill colour, leaving just a black stroke as the appearance setting. Select the Line tool and draw a path across the top edge of the artboard. Use the Smart Guide tooltips to find the artboard corners and hold the Shift key to keep the line straight. Draw another line along the bottom edge, then select them both and go to Object > Blend > Make.
Head straight back to Object > Blend > Blend Options, then change the settings to Specified Steps and a value of around 12. This is one figure you could experiment with to achieve a different pattern every time.
With the series of lines still selected, head to Effect > Distort & Transform > Zig Zag. Change these settings to 100px Size with 3 Ridges.
Select the Line tool again, this time draw paths along both vertical edges of the artboard. Hold Shift and select them both with the Selection tool, then go to Object > Blend > Make.
Turn on the Preview to see the settings take effect, then alter the Specified Steps value so the vertical lines match up with the points of the zig zag lines. 19 is the figure I used.
Draw a selection around both blend elements, then go to Object > Expand Appearance.
Head straight back to the Object menu and select Expand. Uncheck Fill and Stroke, leaving just the Object setting.
Elsewhere on the artboard draw and fill a series of square shapes to form a colour palette for your design. Interesting selections can be sampled from photographs, or copied from sites such as Select All the shapes that form your palette and click the New Color Group icon in the Swatches panel.
Select the linework again and clear out the black stroke. Select the Live Paint Bucket tool and click on the lines to turn them into a Live Paint Group.
Choose one of the swatches from your colour group and click the shapes to apply the fill. This is where you can really get creative when forming your patterns. Follow a simple rule, or build more intricate designs, but keep the pattern repetitive.
Switch the swatch selection to a different colour from your palette and continue building your pattern design. Im just creating rows of alternating colours, but you could build shapes or fill larger areas.
You dont have to fill every shape to form an interesting pattern. Stop when you have some repetition in your design.
To apply the Live Paint fills, go to Object > Expand. Select just the Object setting.
You can expand your pattern by dragging a duplicate of the graphic while holding the ALT and Shift keys. Use the Smart Guides to snap the duplicate next to the original.
If you wanted to extend the pattern further, use the CMD+D shortcut for Transform Again to create another duplicate.
To create a pattern that will infinitely repeat, draw a rectangle that starts and ends at the same point within the pattern. Select both the temporary rectangle and the pattern, then click the Crop button from the Pathfinder panel.
Head to Object > Pattern > Make to test the tiling of your pattern, then click the Done button in the top toolbar to save the pattern as a swatch.
This new swatch can now be applied as a fill to any element to cover an infinite area with your seamless pattern.
Create a modern, geometric pattern
Create a geometric icon for use in a pattern that you can apply to artwork.
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What you learned: Using the Pen tool, create a geometric icon to use as the basis for a pattern you create, apply to artwork, and edit
Create a geometric icon
To start, create a geometric icon from a shape underneath the path.
Draw a straight line over the shape with the Pen tool by clicking to add points.
Add a point to the path by clicking on the path.
With the Direct Selection tool, drag the point you added into the center of the shape.
With the path selected, choose Object > Path > Divide Objects Below to divide the shape into two.
Using the Pen tool, create a vertical path to divide the bottom shape into two shapes using the same Divide Objects Below command.
With the shape divided into three shapes, you can apply a fill color to each.
Create a pattern
In Illustrator, a pattern is artwork that is repeated in order to join seamlessly. When you create a pattern, it is saved as a pattern swatch in the Swatches panel. You can make a pattern from existing artwork, or you can create a pattern first and add artwork later.
To create a pattern, do either of the following:
Select artwork, and choose Object > Pattern > Make.
Choose Object > Pattern > Make, and then add artwork.
When creating a pattern, you work in Pattern Editing mode. In Pattern Editing mode, the Pattern Options panel opens. You see a preview of the repeating pattern in the document window, and the pattern is saved as a pattern swatch in the Swatches panel. A gray bar along the top of the document window has options for saving the pattern (Done), making a copy of the pattern (Save a Copy), or canceling the operation.
Edit pattern options
In Pattern Editing mode, a blue pattern tile (box) surrounds the artwork. Anything within the bounds of the pattern tile, by default, repeats to create the pattern. You can add, remove, or edit the artwork in the pattern tile.
In the Pattern Options panel, you can do the following and more:
Name the pattern.
Choose a Tile Type, or choose how the pattern repeats.
Size the pattern tile to the artwork.
Change the width and height of the pattern tile.
Set how the artwork overlaps.
When finished editing the pattern options and the artwork, click Done in the gray bar at the top of the document window to save the pattern changes.
Apply the pattern swatch to artwork
You can apply the pattern swatch you created to the fill and/or stroke of artwork.
Select the artwork, and click the Fill color or Stroke color in the Properties panel.
With the Swatches option selected, click the pattern swatch to apply it.
Edit the pattern swatch
In order to further edit the pattern, again enter Pattern Editing mode:
With the artwork selected, click either the Fill color or Stroke color in the Properties panel (whichever you applied the pattern swatch to).
With the swatches showing, double-click the pattern swatch.